File Submission:

Clients may submit their pre-press files via any of the three convenient methods we provide. We ask that any files being submitted are prepared according to the following specifications.

For more details, please download our pre-press instructions,
or contact

Adobe InDesign or Quark Xpress*:
Please include all applicable typefaces, images, and any other reference materials along with your project files in a Zip or
Stuffit archive. *All major graphics programs accepted.

For PDFs please be sure to set the color mode to CMYK, embed all typefaces, and not have any downsampling. If there are multiple documents, please compress them into a Zip or Stuffit archive.

File Submission Methods:
Once your files have been prepared accordingly, select one of the following methods to submit them:

Our online file submission interface is a quick and easy way to submit files for your project. For larger files, we recommend using our FTP server. Proceed to web submission

File Submission R

Our FTP server is ideal for larger files and ensures that your files will be submitted quickly and securely.
Proceed to FTP submission